Theresa’s Story Theresa’s story begins when she was a 15 year-old, blond-haired, blue eye girl living in an upper-middle class suburb of Detroit. There was not a lot of crime in her neighborhood, a safe haven to grow up in, or so she thought. She had a mom and a dad, family, and friends. Everything seemed normal—until predators targeted her. … Read More
Everyone loves Sex: So Why Wait?–Here are Ten Reasons Why
Everyone loves Sex: So Why Wait? Here is a list of ten reasons why one should wait for sex for marriage. The list is not in any particular order. All of these reasons are discussed in my book that you can pre-order below. Sex creates an emotional, physical, and spiritual bond–a bond that can only be held together through marriage. … Read More
What Makes You Happy?
“What makes you happy” is a question that will elicit a number of responses. Some of the common responses include sex, money, fame, love, friendship, and peace. However, these things do not bring lasting happiness in and of themselves. In working on my book, I have interviewed student after student about their stories. One person I interviewed, Drew, had sex … Read More
On Air! Talking about Sex and the Church
I had the privilege of being a part of Faith and Whatever‘s Podcast to talk about Sex and the Church. Check it out below. And share if you would–and comment below. Share This:
The Faces of Human Trafficking: Two Powerful Videos
One of the fastest growing crimes is human trafficking! It’s an atrocity against humanity and needs to stop. Here are two powerful videos! This video is encouraging because these traffic victims are survivors–and resilient! The video below is a former human trafficking victim speaking out about her story. Share This:
Freedom May Not be What You Think it is!
When it came to eating, I never had to worry about putting boundaries on what I ate. I ate—and never gained a pound! I never understood why that was a big deal until I got married. I have gained forty since 2010—the same year I married Caz. As I write this I am in the process of watching my calories … Read More
You Can Stop Human Slavery!
As I continue to work on refining and developing my book, one of the topics I am addressing is human trafficking. As you see below human trafficking is an estimated 32 billion dollars a year industry with 21 million human beings being trafficked–and 5.5 million are children who are trafficked into pornography, sex slavery, forced marriage, forced labor, armed services, … Read More
Get Involved in Eradicating Human Trafficking
Some of my friends in the up and coming band Kylan Road collaborated with Nikki Phillip and Rachel Talbott and others to bring awareness to the growing epidemic of human trafficking. They cover the song, “Oceans” and at the end of the video give an opportunity to help stop human trafficking. These musicians are teaming up with others to end … Read More
Porn Can be Addictive: A TED Talk
Ever thought that porn can be addictive? That may be shocking to some! Professionals are on both sides of the isle with this debate; however, in the video below Dr. Gary Wilson makes a compelling argument for not only the dangers of porn–but also the addictive nature of porn. Comment below. Share This: