Some of my friends in the up and coming band Kylan Road collaborated with Nikki Phillip and Rachel Talbott and others to bring awareness to the growing epidemic of human trafficking. They cover the song, “Oceans” and at the end of the video give an opportunity to help stop human trafficking. These musicians are teaming up with others to end … Read More
Porn Can be Addictive: A TED Talk
Ever thought that porn can be addictive? That may be shocking to some! Professionals are on both sides of the isle with this debate; however, in the video below Dr. Gary Wilson makes a compelling argument for not only the dangers of porn–but also the addictive nature of porn. Comment below. Share This:
I’m Excited About the Upcoming Movie, "PURE"
If anyone is interested in a movie about sexual faithfulness check out the latest on the forthcoming motion picture, “Pure.”
Wow! I just reached over 100,000 views on my blog! Thank you everyone for your continued love and support! Share This:
A Year Long Honeymoon!
In Genesis 2:24–25, the dynamics of marriage are introduced, noting that a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, that the two would become “one flesh.”
How to Connect With Anyone!
Studies say that 4 minutes of uninterrupted eye contact can increase intimacy. To test this this theory out, we brought in six pairs in different stages of their relationship and had them try it. How do you stay connected? Check out the NYT article that inspired the video.
Twentysomething Problems (a Video Told by Eggs)
Check out this humorous videos that twenty (and even thirty) somethings face.
I Have a Literary Agent!
After five years of working on my book, Everyone Loves Sex: So Why Wait?, scraping it half-way through the process, just to start over, I have finally secured a top-notched literary agent.
Four Reasons to Not Live Together Before You Marry
Living together/cohabiting before marriage may seem like a logical decision. After all, it can be used as a test period to see how your partner handles stresses, routine, finances, etc. This logic seems like a valid rationale—but research does not support the logic. In fact, psychologists have learned through numerous studies that couples who live together before marriage “are more … Read More