Drew’s Outrageous Number: The Double Standard Still Exists

By many standards Drew would be considered a stud. He has had sex with an outrageous number of women, and no, he is not a porn star. He is a good-looking thirty-four years of age tall and toned man who is a smooth-talker with the ladies. To the guys he is a stud. If Drew were a woman, the perception may … Read More

Sex and Glue: The Emotional Bond of a Physical Act

When it comes to the physical act of sex, there is a tremendous amount of emotional bonding that is being created that most probably do not even think of. We can think of this bond as the glue that ties two people together. This bond can have a positive effect as well as a negative one. Let’s dive into the … Read More

Happy Anniversary, Baby

I remember always wondering what people meant when they said, “I love you more today than the day I married you” (said with a rough sarcastic tone). Now that we have been married three years I am understanding that statement. It is true that love grows over the years. I still vividly remember that surfboard I hit you with on … Read More

How Many Sexual Partners Have You Had?

How many partners have you had sex with? Some can confidently say “none.” Others may have to use fingers and toes to get the exact number. Wherever you are in your journey of life and sexual exploration, there is no need to feel guilty about the number of partners you have or have not had. This post is to inform you, … Read More

Loneliness Literally Kills

I love technology! It has the power to connect us with business partners, friends, and family all around the world. But it also has the ability to disconnect us with those around us. We can do everything now from the comfort of our homes: shop, view entertainment, pay bills, check the weather, etc. Though in our very connected culture, we … Read More

My Story of Sexual Faithfulness

photopin<“> I was a part of that sex saturated culture growing up. For some reason the friends I hung out with had this mentality that one could gain more status when one “hooked-up” or at least “messed around” with a girl. Between girls and skateboarding, my focus was not on much else.  But even in this sex saturated culture I … Read More

Sexual Faithfulness, Purity, Abstinence, True Love Waits, Purity Ring

The list of names for waiting until marriage can go on and on. I choose to use the phrase “sexual faithfulness” because it does not carry with it any baggage as some of the other phrases might. What phrase do you prefer? Why? Have you ever made a commitment to wait until marriage for sex? Can you share your story? Share … Read More